
*Hou(法): Buddhism teachings based on the truth of the Universe.
*Hafu(波風): A flank of a triangle shape roof, on which decorative golden metals are attached.
*Hasshodo(八正道): Eight particulars of morals as besis of Shugyo which were preached by Oshaka-sama in his first sermon. Right view, determination, speech, behavior, living, effort, respect and meditation.
*Innen(因縁): A basis of everything in one's life, which was caused from everything he did in his former life. A karma.
*Jihi(慈悲): A behaviors based on a spirit of relieving pain and offering peace whereby subordinating self-profit and prioritizing the good for others, or that kind of spirit itself.
*Gou(業): All behaviors including good and bad ones.
*Garan(伽藍): The whole of the temple structures. It's essentially a clean and calm place where monks gather to practice Buddhism.
*Gyo(行): The same as Shugyo.
*Gegyo(懸魚): A decorative tile fixed beneath the center of Hafu.
*Gejin(外陣): A place where the believer sit.
*Gongyo(勤行): To repeat Okyo to wash sins away and also for penitence.
*Kaigen(開眼): A ritual to put soul into a statue made of stone or wood and then to vary it into a Buddha statue.
*Kudoku(功徳): Good conducts to bring happiness to the present and future and to receive fortune from the god or Buddha.
*Kuu(空): The state of mind or the world not being prepossessed, biased and persistent. It cannot take a shape. An idea that all phenomena occur from innen and that there is no substance of it.
*Kyoten(経典): A book as a fundamental of education and religion.
*Mandara(曼陀羅): A formation of Buddha representing the shape of the universe.
*Naijin(内陣): A place for Buddha and platform on which Buddhist fittings are place and where only monks are allow to sit.
*Shugyo(修行): To practice Buddhism along Buddhist teachings. To cultivate Buddhism and develop benevolences.
*Sokushinjobutsu(即身成仏): To become Buddha with the present body within one's life. This is a teaching which Kukai preached.
*Sanze(三世): The past, present and future.
*Sango(三業): Three parts of human ; body, speech(tongue) and mind(soul). They are called so since with which human commit sins. The same parts of world of enlightment. We can experience enlightment whereby unifying sango with sanmitsu and approaching to Buddha gradually. Shingon-shu emphasizes this Gyo.
*Sanpo(三宝): Buddhism, teaching and monk. Those are the most precious treasures for Buddhists.
*Satori(悟り): The state of awareness of losing and sufferings.
*Shiku(四苦): Four gou ; the birth, aging, disease and death which are considered as troubles starting from the moment of the birth.
*Saiseirimin(済世利民): To bring profits to the people and redeem the world or society.
*Shujo(衆生): All living things
*Shakujo(錫杖): A long stick with the top made of tin which a monk holds during his disciplines.
*Takuhatsu(托鉢): A steel bowl which a monk carries in his hand to receive rice or donation or the activity itself.
*Taikobashira(太鼓柱): A cut wood with a natural curve. Inside Shakyodojo, three of those are embedded in the wall. One is beneath the frame of Chinese characters saying Kouboudaishi(弘法大師)
*Bonshou(梵鐘): A Buddhist bell
*Dou(堂): a hall , a temple
*Mumyou(無明): Ignorance, a mind of not making efforts to attain enlightenment
*Bodai syougaku(菩提正覚): enlightenment, Satori
*Kyusai(救済): salvation, redemption, mercy
*Mikkyou(密教): esoteric Buddhism, a secret teaching of Buddhism
*Dou(銅): copper
*Touba(塔婆): a plate on which some words are written, usually set by a gravestone