China2 The Silk Road  Seeking the truth pilgrimage

Jul. 30th to Aug. 4th, 2005

 In 629, 玄奘三蔵(Genjo Sanzo) started from Choan (now is Xi'an) for 天竺(Tenjiku(now is Indea)) seeking the teaching of Buddha. "I'm certain that I'll go to West, Tenjiku. I'll never go back East without going Tenjiku." He started the long trip seeking the truth with a strong faith.

 He spent the 17 years seeking the truth with his strong faith for Buddhism and 19 years translating. He staked his life on going Tenjiku in spite of violating a national ban and taking the Buddhist scriptures back to China. Many sutras were translated from Sanskrit by him. Thanks to his efforts, we can repeat Okyo and transcribe Okyo now.
 Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, scorching land over 40℃ day after day. The desire continues for miles and miles. We traced the footsteps of 三蔵(Sanzo) who accomplishied his faith in those hard environment.
 玄奘三蔵(Genjo Sanzo) would see the Kijiru・Kumutora・Kuzurugaha where the people of those days dug the rock holes without good tools for many hundred years, drew the image of Buddha and carved Buddhist statues. We felt their strong hearts for Busshism in those places.